Info for 16 yrs +

Lots of information on the Becoming an adult – Local authority website link

Durham Works – is a partnership project between Durham County Council and 9 organisations working together to support young people who are not in education, employment or training. Telephone – 0300 026 2930

DurhamEnable Are you a County Durham resident aged 18 or over, looking for work, but facing barriers due to disability, autism, or other long term health conditions?
DurhamEnable works 1-to-1 with jobseekers and employers, to break down the barriers to paid work faced by people with disabilities, neurodiversity’s and long term health conditions . They also help jobseekers to gain the skills, confidence, and opportunities needed to find employment that is right for them.
To learn more about support, email, or phone 03000 269 899.- Facebook link.

DurhamLearn Supported Employment Pathway 24/25 -Programme of pathway here to download –  DurhamLearn SEND programmes 24.25

Durham Locate – The place to find out about adult care, support, information and advice in County Durham. Similar to the Local offer but for information and services for over 18s.

Talking changes– An amazing talking therapy service for people in Co. Durham and Darlington 16 years+ to help with common mental health problems. Open weekdays 9-5. For emergencies call 111 – 24 hrs. You can self-refer via their website here

Support for Parents , family and friends of Autistic Adults (SPAA) – A support group for parents and family members of adults on the autism spectrum, primarily in Durham and the north-east of England. They meet on the first Saturday of the month at the Marriott Royal County hotel and the first Wednesday of the month at Durham County Carers Support office in Spennymoor for themed discussions. They have a Facebook group for discussions and support in-between the meetings.

Autie mates adult autism support group – Adult autism support and friendship drop-in, they have two peer support sessions under the umbrella of Little treasures autism charity. They run once a month in Ferryhill and Gateshead.

MAIN – Durham County Council and the NHS jointly fund MAIN to support people aged 16+ who are resident in County Durham and have a diagnosis of an Autism Spectrum Disorder but who do not meet social care criteria. They also provide a range of funded training courses which are available to professionals, parents and carers living/working with the above group. Telephone 0191 300 8556

Journey Enterprises – Journey Enterprises is a local charity providing day services for young people and adults with complex learning disability. They provide activities in  three day centres (Hubs) and a wide range of activities in community. All are undertaken in small groups of friends. Telephone: 01434 608118

Springboard – A charity that operates across the North East with bases in Hartlepool, Peterlee, Sunderland, Hetton, Jarrow and Allenheads. They provides a wide range of opportunities through Apprenticeships, flexible Study programmes and Springboard Works (a project to support unemployed people back to the world of work).

Pathways – Pathways is a local authority day service on 5 different sites around County Durham that deliver lively and enriching therapeutic and multi-sensory activities for adults with disabilities who have been assessed as eligible for their services. Telephone – 03000 264 850

Catch22 – A social business, a not for profit business with a social mission who have designed and delivered services that build resilience and aspiration in people and communities. Services include alternative education, apprenticeships, employability support, family support and other services.

Project choice – A programme delivered within NHS organisations and supported by Health Education England. It aims to help young adults gain work experience and improve employability and independence skills. They provide internships within healthcare settings and other NHS partner organisations in supported environments helping to get individuals ready for the working world. Their support is tailored to each person and we match employment options to each person’s skills. Students spend 1 year learning work skills in three placements, each placement is up to 12 weeks long.

NHS England Choices College (formerly Project Choice) is a national Specialist Post-16 College providing a person-centred, individually-tailored Supported Internships to young adults with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.- Choices College Student and Learner Booklet (1) / Choices College Student and Learner – Supported Internships POSTER. More info HERE 

Link to updated PfA toolkit 7/5/2021 HERE

Information on benefits :-

Information on SEND colleges and further education

Durham Adult social care and health information

Apply for post 16 transport to sixth form and college.

Durham Coordinating SEND provision in Post 16 booklet (for professionals)

Preparing for adulthood ( PfA) outcomes for all ages

Moving from child care to adult care in Durham.

Accommodation and choosing where to live. & Living independently at home

Acting on someone’s behalf