News: The new “think autism” Autism strategy for children, young people and adults In County Durham 2018/2019- 2020/2021 is now live!

To key in with World autism awareness day and a week full of Autism events in County Durham – The new “think autism” Autism strategy document for children, young people and adults In County Durham 2018/2019- 2020/2021 is now live!  Download Link below.

This is our local strategy for children, young people and adults on the autism spectrum in County Durham, with the aim of providing focus and clarity on the priorities for improving services and opportunities for these people. In line with national initiatives we have called our strategy: ‘Think Autism in County Durham’
The document considers what life is currently like for people on the autism spectrum in County Durham, based on feedback from people and analysis of their needs. It sets out where we want to be in three years and what actions we will undertake to achieve this. For the public it provides a summary of the importance of services and support for people on the autism spectrum and what they can expect from local services.
This strategy has been prepared jointly by all public services and voluntary and community services including the Council and local health services, who work together to improve outcomes for people on the autism spectrum.
For those responsible for delivering services, any future work programmes should contribute to achieving the aims set out in this strategy. It can therefore be used as an aid in deciding what to do and of equal importance, what not to do. Members, officers and partners will find this document of practical use in evaluating whether to participate in new national initiatives and funding bids and help select the work programmes that we need to do. The strategy is therefore a living document that is designed to be used regularly.

Posted on: 5th April 2019